Darkwing Duck's story
Darkwing Duck arrived at Uncle Neil’s Home in August of 2020 with his five other brothers and sisters. We received a plea for help from individuals who found six ducklings in bad shape in the middle of the road, so they took them in and placed them in a cardboard box where the ducklings were living for weeks. When we received photos of the ducklings, we knew that we had to help. They were filthy, lethargic, and living in box 24 hours a day. We offered them a safe landing at UNH, and drove to pick them up and bring them home where they immediately received food, water, and proper vetting. After Darkwing and his siblings received a bath and some love and care, they started to look better, and much more relaxed and at peace. We purchased two swimming pools and set Darkwing and his siblings up in a large area with lots of grass and sunlight.
Darkwing is a Rouen duck, a breed that is domesticated; therefore, Darkwing and his siblings would not have survived in the wild on their own. We are so happy that we are able to provide a safe home for them. His absolute favorite activity is to splash around all day in her pool, even in the winter! He also loves foraging in the grass and taking naps in the sun with his siblings. Darkwing and his brother, Donald, are very protective of their sisters and protect them day and night. We love watching Darkwing enjoy the life that he always deserved, and it is so amazing to think back to the rough start of his life versus what his life looks like now. We love him and are honored to have him here at the sanctuary.