Huxley's story
Huxley was rescued from a zoo called Johnson Park Animal Haven where he was known as “The Depressed Ram”. He spent his entire life at the zoo in distress and was seen at all hours of the day and night, in rain, snow, or shine, pressed up against his enclosure fence or laying flat on the ground. He didn’t have shelter and was suffering from an injured front leg. We submitted an urgent proposal to county commissioners to release Huxley to us, and as soon as the proposal was accepted, we brought Huxley home to UNH.
He underwent X-rays and a full health exam as soon as he arrived, and the vet determined that Huxley is suffering from severe osteoarthritis from being neglected for so many years. Huxley receives steroid injections every 4-6 months, laser therapy, and he is on a pain management regimen to help with his condition. He will need this extensive care for the rest of his life, and by sponsoring him, we are able to provide Huxley the best care there is.
Emotionally, Huxley is now a completely different ram from who we met at the zoo. He instantly bonded with UNH’s other sheep residents, Willow and Theodore, and spends his days grazing by their sides and relaxing in the sunshine. He is no longer “The Depressed Ram”, and now he never takes his smile off of his face. We are honored to have him at UNH.
Thank you for allowing us to provide Huxley with his every need. He is lucky to call you his sponsor.