Willow's story
Willow was liberated in August 2021 from a breeding operation in New Jersey. On this farm, sheep were being bred and sold for their skin, wool, and “meat”. When we heard that she needed rescue, she had recently given birth to a baby ram who was being released with her, and we offered both mother and son a safe landing at UNH. Willow was not in great shape when she arrived. She had open sores all over her body, worms, and she was emaciated. Our veterinarian estimated that she was about 4 years old. She received vital medical care and lots of love during her first few weeks at UNH, and as time went on, she slowly gained weight and her wounds healed. When she first arrived, she was very scared of us and kept her distance, but as time goes on, she slowly warms up to us and becomes more comfortable as she realizes that she is finally safe.
She is a wonderful mother to her baby, who we named Theodore, and the pair are inseparable. They graze side by side and nap in the sun together all day, and cuddle while falling asleep at night. Willow will never be bred or exploited again, and she will live the rest of her life happily, with her son by her side.